January 21, 2009

My sweets came to Jordan!

A week before I left for Jordan my wonderful boyfriend of 8 months proposed to me. It was the happiest day of my life. So my last week at home I was not only packing up and getting ready to leave home for a year-ish, but I was also enjoying the excitement of a new engagement to the love of my life. I'm pretty sure I walked around that last week home with a huge goofy grin and a glow on my face.

Well after a little over 5 months of not seeing Will, he came to visit me in Jordan! His wonderful parents gave him a plane ticket to Jordan for Christmas. I just had the best 10 days with Will over here. I got to see him in the flesh instead of on a computer screen through Skype. I got to hold his hand and hug him. I got to show him around the city, and all of my favorite little spots around town. He got to meet my students, coworkers and friends.
While he was here I kept him busy and crammed in A LOT of stuff during his 10 days here. I took him to my bakery, my favorite grocery store, the Arabic church AND the international church, he even chaperoned our 1st and 2nd grade field trip to the Children's museum! Not only did I take him all over the city of Amman, but we also rented a car and drove to Petra, Wadi Rum, and Aqaba with my friend Joanna. We also took a day trip with the rental car and went to Mount Nebo, the Dead Sea and the baptism site. The poor guy didn't have a fighting chance of getting over jetlag. He was such a good sport.
I was so excited to have all of my friends over here meet Will and see all the many reasons of why I'm so in love with him! He was such a great sport and went along with anything I had planned for the two of us. We did get some relaxing chill time together as well....we spent hours talking about wedding plans.....and our future married life together. He is the most amazing man of God that I know....and he's so incredibly patient to wait for me while I'm over here and support me in this season of life the Lord is leading me through. He's gone now.... I miss him. But I shall see him again in just 4 and a half short months! Then just 7 weeks after that we will be happily married! Here are some pics of out time together here in Jordan!

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