December 21, 2008

Christmas at school

Well ladies and is out! It is sooo nice to get a break, and get some vacation and travleing time in!

Thursday was our last day of school. It was an easy day, all we did really was do Christmas activities. The 1st and 2nd graders started the day with putting on a short Christmas program all in Arabic. I had no idea what they were saying (cause again, it was all in Arabic) but I could understand what was going on...they were re-enacting the Christmas story. It was so precious to watch my kids talk and sing Christmas songs in Arabic! I was so proud of my kiddos and all their hard work they put into it. Joanna (the 1st grade teacher) and I sat there with beaming smiles on our faces.

After that we enjoyed some hot chocolate in class and watched Polar Express! It was nice and relaxing. Then....the Christmas party started! Parents came with food and presents for the kids' secret santa! It was a fun time together with the kiddos...they were so excited to receive presents from one of their friends.

Throughout our last week our school worked on a Shoebox present drive for needy children in Amman. Monday I read a story to my kiddos about a boy that put together a shoebox full of stuff to give to a needy child in another country and discussed with them that we were going to do the same. I asked the kids and their parents to bring in small toys (old or used), toiletries and school items to put into shoeboxes to wrap and give to other kids. My plan was to make one box for a girl and one box for a boy. I was so proud of my kiddos because by the end of the week they had bought in enough items to fill 5 SHOEBOXES!!! We were able to put together 2 for boys and 3 for girls. They were so excited about going home to their rooms and seeing what toys they could give to other kids who don't have toys like them, their hearts were so giving, it opened my eyes to how much we hold on to....and how much we could bless people with items we already have and don't use that often. The kids also made Christmas cards to put in the boxes for the kids and wrote things on them like "I love you and so does Jesus!" It was so sweet! They were so happy to have helped out 5 kids, and to know that they were going to be a part of the reason why a child smiled on Christmas day.

Well...I leave tomorrow for Belgium. Our visas are good for only 6 months...therefore, we must leave the country within the 6 months so as to renew our visa upon our renewal. I am taking advantage of this opportunity and going to visit family in Belgium that I have not seen in about 5 years. The Lord has blessed me with being able to find a cheap plane ticket to be able to go over there for 10 days, throughout the Christmas and New Year holiday. Pray for my safety.....and that my baggage and I arrive safe and sound! :)

I love and appreciate every single one of you! I pray you have a Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year!


Anonymous said...

Great work :) ...
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year :)

Steff said...

I hope you had a wonderful trip! And speaking of wonderful trips...I'm booking my ticket for March 12-20. I'll email you more details, but can I just say that I'm excited and so looking forward to visiting you and Jordan!

Take care my friend!