February 16, 2009

More friendly love...

It's Valentine's Day!

So, the time difference from Texas to here is 8 hours. Normally I have to work on Saturdays (our school week is from Mon-Thurs & Sat. We have Friday's off b/c that is the Muslim holy day of the week) but about once a month we get a 3-day weekend. This weekend is one of those...I always look forward to these. Instead of sleeping in late though I woke up a little early so that I could talk to Will. I got to talk to him at 9am my time, 1am his time....he was so kind to stay up that late to talk to me on my Valentine's morning.
We talked for a bit, said our sweet nothings and our i love you's and sent Valentine's kisses through the skype web cam.
About an hour after we hung up and I started to get up and going for my day, my roommate Jayme came into my room with a bouquet of red roses for me. At first I thought she had maybe gotten flowers for Sarah (our other roommate) and I for V-day, but they were red roses, so I was confused..... with a puzzled look and after asking her several times "who are these from?!" I finally just looked at the card and saw that the flowers were from Will.

I was so confused as to how he got me flowers....I mean, the handwriting on the card even looked like his. She informed me that he had asked her to do him a big favor and go out and buy some flowers (he asked her to get orchids knowing I love those....but there are none to be found here) and sign the card for him. He had searched endlessly on the internet to try to find a florist to deliver them to me here in Amman, but he had no such luck, so he got my roommate to do him a favor. He's so sweet, I love him!
Anyhow, the 3 other A/G girls and I (Jayme, Sarah & Brittany) decided to do something for the two high school students that are a part of our company to serve them and to show how much we love and adore them. We got our flat all set up for a girly V-day night with the Katie and Noor. We made white chocolate popcorn (YUM!), set up candles and made a love songs playlist on itunes. We even set up a little mani/pedi area in our living room so that we could serve and pamper them. When the Katie and Noor arrived we gave them homemade cards that each of us had made them to express how much we love them and think that they are amazing young ladies of God. It was a sweet time.

I had the pleasure of giving Katie her pedicure.....that was an experience. The girl is extremely ticklish on her feet, especially when you file her toenails. So the whole time she hid her face behind a pillow and laughed, it was SO funny and cute. After we did up the girls' toes we got ready to go to Sat. night service at Amman International Church (AIC).

After church all 6 of us girls came back to the flat. We ordered pizza and popped in a girly love movie, Ever After. That movie is so cute, and I just love Drew Barrymore. After the first movie (yes, I said first) we had some yummy icecream from Bless Jordan (a great icecream shop in Amman) and munched on some white chocolate popcorn. Our second movie was Legally Blonde b/c Noor had never seen it before. That's a girly movie classic! After that movie my old self was ready for bed, it was already 1am at this time and we had church the next morning. The younguns though (Katie & Noor) wanted to stay up longer and watch a THIRD movie! They popped in Hitch, and us old fogies went to bed.

It was such a sweet night of fun and fellowship. I adore those girls, they make me feel young....and old at the same time, hm. It's such a blessing to be a part of their lives during this season, to get to talk to them about high school life, choices, music, pending college life in the States. I look forward to watching these two girls grow up into women and for what the Lord has planned for them.

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