March 1, 2009

Snow day!

It snowed in Amman today!

So yes, I live in a city that is in the middle of the desert. But as a surprise to many people it does get rather cold here......okay, extremely cold! Another huge surprise here is that it is completely normal for it to snow here once or twice during the winter. Winter is also the rainy season. Since we live in a desert country water is limited, each week it is rationed out for everyone house in the city. The amount of water that the residents get during the summer months depends on the amount of rain the country gets during the winter time. For a while there the whole country was worried.....we weren't getting as much rain as everyone says we usually get. It had been a pretty sparse rainy season.......until last weekend. It rained every day over last weekend, and it has been raining everyday this weekend as well. Today, our friend Sonya called the apartment at 7am and told us to look roommates and I came out of our rooms in our pajamas, half asleep, and looked out the living room window to find snow coming down! It wasn't actually didn't even stick on the ground....but it was definitely falling. It was such a nice thing to wake up to. After viewing the much anticipated snow for a little while I made my way back to my warm bed. So no, it wasn't the snow storm that the forecast had been predicting, but it was snow nonetheless. Yay!

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