March 12, 2009

Dr. Seuss day

Joanna and I LOOOOOVE Dr. Seuss. So we planned to have a whole day with our classes dedicated to celebrating his birthday. The two of us dressed up as The Cat in The Hat. We made green eggs for the kids to try (we skipped on the green ham cuz it's not so easy to come by in this Islamic country. Muslims don't eat pork). We read many Dr. Seuss books throughout the day (who knew Fox in Socks was such a tongue twister?!) and concluded our celebration with some icecream while watching Horton Hears a Who. Fun, laughs and new experiences were had all around. Oh how I love teaching Elementary school!
Green eggs are sooo yummy! I can't wait to make normal hum-drum food dishes fun with food coloring when I have kids. Green eggs, purple meatloaf, blue rice, pink chicken nuggest....oh the possibilities are endless!

A classroom full of cats in hats!

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