March 14, 2009

Beep beep!

I haven't driven since I left home. We can rent cars here for fairly cheap for weekend trips and the such. Everytime friends and I have had to rent a car for a trip I have never been the one to drive. Mostly b/c driving here can be scary. The roads here are not like the orderly ones I'm used to back home. There aren't any rules or reason to the roads here. People turn right from the left lane, and turn left from the right lane.... they don't use blinkers or pay much attention to stop signs. You just kind of drive through the neighborhoods and streets constantly honking your horn to let people know you're coming and to get out of your way. People zoom in and out of traffic, cut you off and ride your butt. There aren't many intersections with traffic lights, instead there are circles. The circles intimidate me just kinda get in and hope to get out by the time you need to make your turn...if not then your stuck going around the circle again and again till you can make it out. I won't even watch the road while in taxis, I just stare out my window and pray that I make it to my destination safely.

Well, I have a friend coming to visit from the States and we have some traveling that we need to do, i.e. drive to the Dead Sea, Petra, the airport, and the such. So today I had to go rent a car for cheap and drive for my very first time here.....I was nervous at first but after a bit I got the hang of it, it's kind of like driving in a Nascar race at all times which is pretty fun....although the cirlces still scare me.

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