March 16, 2009

Giza Pyramids!

When I was in high school I had a dream list, things I wanted to see and do in my young age…one of those dreams was going to Paris and seeing the Eiffel Tower. A couple of days after I graduated from High school my amazingly cool Uncle Tony (he lives in Belgium) took me on a two week trip to Europe. One of the stops we made was to Paris….. our 2nd day there I found myself at the top of the Eiffel Tower staring out over the big beautiful city of Paris. I remember standing there thinking..”I’ve accomplished one of my major dreams at the young age of 18! Cool!"

After that the adventurer in me made a list of all the things I wanted to do and the places I wanted to go and see before I died. On that list of places to see was Cairo and the Giza Pyramids.

Well, this past weekend I had a friend visit from the States. She let me know that one of the things that she just had to do while here was see the Pyramids. Well….the Pyramids are not in Jordan…but they aren’t very far at all from here…just a little ways to the East. So we hopped on a plane Sunday morning and flew to Cairo.

There I found myself on a camel, in the desert, staring at the grandeur of the Giza Pyramids. I sat there on that tall, stinky animal thinking to myself..”Wow, another thing I can cross off my list, crazy!”

God is good! He has allowed me to experience and see so much during my time out here. Not only have I seen Petra (3 times now), one of the New Wonders of the World, but now I’ve also gotten to see THE PYRAMIDS! I’m so stinkin’ loved!

We were in Cairo for less than 24 hours. We flew in in the morning, saw the Pyramids, the Egyptian Museum and the Nile, and then went back to the airport in the evening to fly back home. Upon returning home I realized how grateful I was for Amman, Jordan and how much I love it here. Like I said, Cairo was fun, but it was….overwhelming. Cairo, the city alone, has about 6 million people in it; as opposed to Jordan which has 6 million people in the whole country. Needless to say, Cairo was very busy, crowded and ummm…stinky:) I would however like to return one day and sight-see some more with Will

What can I cross off my list next?! :)

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