March 7, 2009


Once a month at school we have what we like to call.....Spirit Day! The high school student council picks the dress-up theme for the day...and at the conclusion of our school day we have a big all-school assembly. The whole school from 1st-12th grade, teachers, office staff and principal join together for some praise and worship as well as a short word from our principal. The student council gives out a prize to the best dressed elementary student and the best dressed high school student. Today was hero day! I wasn't sure what I was going to see my kids dressed up in as they entered the classroom door....but upon their arrival I was greeted with some pretty cute kids in some surprising costumes.

My boys (left to right): superhero Robin, Prince Caspian (I'm a fan of Caspian myself!). and last but not least I had the United Nations Secretary General, Ban Ki-Moon, in my classroom, quite impressive huh. Ban Ki-Moon is Korean as is my adorable Samuel. On the first day of school I asked all my students what they wanted to be when they grew up as I always do and Samuel's response amused me the most...."Ms. Kidd, I want to work for the United Nations when I grow up!" That most certainly made me grin. In my short 3 years of teaching that is the most unique answer I have gotten.

My girls (left to right): an angel, the virgin Mary, Hannah Montana and the sweetest one of all was Miriam, she dressed up as her dad, awwwww!

These are two of the 1st graders. On the left we have Queen Rania and on the right we have Ruth with a bag full of wheat and all. Ruth actually won best dressed for Elementary.

The people that children hold up in high esteem at their young age is precious. They are so innocent.

My mom is my hero.
Who's yours?

1 comment:

Margaret said...

Awww, I just read this and it almost made me cry, but I won't cause I'm at work. I'm just sitting here smiling like a big goof ball - hee hee. Mom