April 28, 2009


The Arab people enjoy practicing their well-known tradition of hospitality. As a result, they have a wide variety of food always on hand to offer their guests, even the enexpected guests. It's almost impossible to decline an invitation to the table in an Arab home w/out offending the host and hostess. So you might as well accept the invitation and eat hardy b/c you are in for a real treat. I have been the lucky person to receive such invitations several times since coming here.

Arab food is prepared with such feeling and pride. Arabic dished can even satisfy the health conscious b/c many of these delicacies are made w/grain, cheese, yoghurt, fresh and dried fruits and veggies. The simplest ingredients produce a surprisingly attractive and delicious creation. It's understandable why Arabic foods have a long-standing reputation and are rated among the finest foods in the world.
While I'm here I figured that this would be a great time to start learning some recipes to cook for my upcoming marriage. I've started simple, learning how to make hommos, fatoush (an arabic salad w/cucumbers, tomoatoes, mint, sumac, parsley and friend pita pieces...YUMMY!), zaater bread and a tasty chicken dish that I can't pronounce. I look forward to trying these new recipes out on friends and family back home!

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