April 26, 2009

A visit

This past weekend my campus pastor from back home came out to visit. He was coming to survey the area and see about potentialness of sending teams of students out here for missions trips.
Oh my goodness, it was so nice to see a familar face from back home. The second I saw him walking up my heart was so joyful and I felt like I was seeing a father. It was like having a piece of Huntsville here! It made me miss home so much!
While Eli was here he really blessed Sarah and I. Even though he had a busy schedule and many wanting his time, he made time for us and sat with us to talk about our year here. He was really genuine in wanting to know how we were doing and what our experience has been like. He also helped us think about what our next steps would be concerning missions when we got home, and how we could bless and help other students who would like to go out into the field after school.
I felt a real care and love from him as the three of us sat there and brainstormed and discussed. I felt like I was really being pastored, he even asked me questions about tangible life things concerning post Will and I's wedding. He is so gentle and yet firm with us, which is something we all need from a pastor. He made me feel like he was pleased and proud of me, which is nice to get every once in a while when you're out here and you sometimes feel like you're not doing any good, or enough. Of course, that's the enemy lying to me and I must rebuke it in the Lord's name everytime!
I'm so glad Eli could come see and experience this country and culture. His visit was a true blessing to me and my heart right now.

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