April 3, 2009

Take me out to the ballgame, take me out to the field.....

Spring has sprung in Jordan and baseball season is here!

Baseball is not a very popular sport among Arabs, but the families at Whitman LOVE baseball. It makes them feel like they have a part of their American (or other European cultures) here with them.

The Amman Little League was started by some families at Whitman years ago and it is still going strong. Every spring students of all ages sign up, get assigned a team, get their gear ready and prepare for weeks of baseball fun with friends. They have baseball games every Friday. Today I got to attend the first baseball game of the season. It was a lot of fun! I felt like I was home. There we were in the stands, a bunch of English speaking people, with our sandwiches, coolers of water, and sweets, watching the game, cheering for the young ones down on the field. Such a blast!

It's also a great time to sit and chat with some fellow workers and get to know them better. Fellowship!
Next week I have got to remember to take some sunflower seeds and maybe we can try doing the wave in the stands...!

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