April 11, 2009


Easter here is a week after Easter in the States. Today, while Americans are celebrating Easter day, we here are celebrating Palm Sunday.
In the churches here Palm Sunday is made a bigger deal than in churches back home, atleast the churches I've been to. I got to experience the tradition of Palm Sunday in church this morning. In the middle of praise and worship the worship team started singing an "Easter" song and all of the young children walk aroung the perimeter of the church and through the aisles waving big palm leaf branches and some holding lit up candles. It was neat to watch and I enjoyed it so much. I wish we could do this back home in the States.... we just need some really big palm leaves!

Next Sunday is Easter here, and is also the beginning of our Spring/Easter Break. During this time I will be in embarking on my adventure of Biblical sites in Israel. Joanna, Becky and I are going there for 6 days and 5 nights. I'm looking forward to seeing the locations of so many historical sights. I know I'm going to be in reverance and awe the whole time. This will be one vacation and trip that I will never forget I'm sure!

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