May 10, 2009

The call to prayer...

The Muslim is called to prayer five times a day. The call to prayer is heard at dawn, at the midday, about the middle of the afternoon, just after sunset, and at night fall about two hours after sunset.

The muezzin, a man appointed to call to prayer, climbs the mineret of the mosque, and he calls in all directions, "Hasten to prayer." Many mosques no longer require the muezzin to climb the mineret. Instead, a loud speaker carries the message.

That loud speaker blares from every mosque in the city. Every nieghborhood has atleast one mosque. Wherever you are during the call to prayer, whether it be inside, outside or at the mall, you can hear the call. I have become more used to it the longer I've lived here, but it still takes me by surprise at times. I like to use this call as a reminder to pray for our Muslim friends. Please be in prayer with me over them.

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