May 6, 2009

My first bridal shower

Yesterday I had my very first bridal shower!
The wonderful girls in my company over here planned and threw me a wonderfully fun shower. They set up the table full of Arab and American finger foods and sweets. I could tell they worked really hard and I felt so honored that they would spend so much time and effort on this shin-dig for me.

Women from school and church, and some of my students' mom's came to join in on the festivities. I absolutely loved all the gifts, which include ingredients for Arab food, Arab decorative items, sleepwear and jewelry. Each guest was also asked to bring along their favorite recipe written down for me. They all know about my current obsession with learning how to make delicious simple American meals as well as scrumptious Arab ones for my future husband. Oh my just reading the names of some of those recipes made me salivate! I can't wait to eat them!
Towards the end of the evening all the women were asked by the hostess to say a few words of wisdom or advice about marriage as well as their favorite memory of me. This was a time full of eye openers, laughter and yes......waterworks for me! There I sat, in the middle of a room full of beautiful, wisdom filled women of God....and I got to pick their brains firsthand about what marriage is like. They loved on me and let me know in such a sweet, gentle way that marriage is the best thing they ever did, that it's amazing, but it takes work...and you can't do it without the Lord at the center of it. I felt so incredibly blessed the whole night by all these women. Thank God for girlfriends and fellowship.

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