November 22, 2008

Young Adult service

Tonight I joined my roommate, Jayme, to the young adult service at the Arabic Church. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN! It felt good to be surrounded by people my age worshipping and fellowshipping (i'm not sure if that's exactly how you say that word...). Jayme and I had to get the service translated for us...and being the only Americans there, the amazingly sweet and brilliant young lady that translated for us (she also led worship) sat in between us and translated word for word what Imad, the young adult pastor, said. It was so delightful to stay after church and get to know a couple of the people there. Everyone was so sweet to us and made us feel so welcome. They made me feel part of their family there.
Afterwards Imad and his wife Mishleen blessed us with dinner at Fuddruckers. They are a really neat couple that are on fire for the Lord and hope to take their young adults to a new level of relationship with the Lord. Please be in prayer for their ministry with these young adults.

I cannot wait to go back next Saturday!

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