November 28, 2008

Turkey Day!!

Yesterday at school was the Greening of the school" and it was so much fun! Because it was Thanksgiving day we got our of school 2 hours early. The last hour and a half of the day we spent decorating and "greening" the school for Christmas! I love this school with all my heart!

After school us A/G girls went over to the Jones' place. Creating Thanksgiving was easy because we love each other... food was a different story! Turkeys are difficult and expensive to find and cranberries...out of the question! We did find fun substitutions though! The meal was great and the conversation was better! I didn't miss a year of being too stuffed to keep my eyes open. After dinner finished and some of the people left, we got into our pajamas, sat around, drank hot chocolate, and watched Charlie Brown's Christmas. It was SOO nice! Even though I was far from my family and Will, I felt at home and definitely loved!

Today we spent "Black Friday" at the Friday Market.. as crowded as American stores (except on a regular basis). It's located near downtown Amman and takes place every Friday morning. Its full of everything you can think of from toothpaste to produce to DVDs that are only 1JD! The Friday Market is so cool because its such a big taste of this culture! You can find really cheap clothes and shoes there as well, that is if you're willing to dig through the piles and racks.

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